Putting on your shoes and walking down the street can be excruciating when you have bunions. Severe bunions may cause other foot issues and make it nearly impossible to wear your favorite shoes.
Surgery isn't ideal for anyone, but it may be necessary when you can't get relief through other measures, or when bunions affect your daily activities. Traditional surgery requires lengthy recovery times and painful incisions – but there’s another option.
Lapiplasty® 3D surgery is an excellent choice when you require a bunion correction but want to avoid the long recovery times of traditional surgery. It's a cutting-edge procedure that yields unprecedented results.
Dr. Jeffrey E. McAlister is proud to offer Lapiplasty 3D bunion correction surgery at his practice, Phoenix Foot and Ankle Institute. He evaluates your bunion to determine which type of surgery best suits your needs.
Lapiplasty 3D bunion correction surgery is a cutting-edge treatment for bunions. Unlike traditional bunion procedures, Lapiplasty addresses the root cause of the bunion – an unstable joint.
Lapiplasty surgery is a three-dimensional approach to correcting a bunion deformity, ensuring the problem doesn't return. It’s revolutionizing bunion correction, and the results are unrivaled.
During the Lapiplasty procedure, Dr. McAlister uses patented instrumentation to move the deviated bone back into its normal position, eliminating the "bump" associated with your bunion.
When the bone is in place, he uses specialized titanium plates to keep the bone in position, permanently eliminating the bunion and any associated pain.
The Lapiplasty procedure is exceptionally successful and results in better long-term outcomes and a quicker recovery than traditional types of bunion surgery.
You'll be under anesthesia during the Lapiplasty procedure. The surgery takes anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half, depending on the severity of the bunion.
Dr. McAlister makes an incision on the affected foot and uses the patented positioner to realign the metatarsal bone and sesamoids. The result is an anatomically correct big toe, which fixes the root of the problem.
He then uses the Lapiplasty cut guide to deliver precise cuts in the bone. The compression device allows Dr. McAlister to hold the bone's anatomic position in alignment while preparing fixation.
Dr. McAlister then uses the patented plating system to hold the joint in place to allow for correction of the bunion and faster weight-bearing after surgery.
Traditional bunion surgery involves a two-dimensional approach to the problem. The surgeon cuts the affected bone during the procedure and pushes the top aspect to remove the "bump."
The "cut and shift" method doesn't address the actual problem behind the bunion – joint instability. It simply removes the bump that causes pain, but it doesn't ensure long-term relief, as the bunion can return.
The Lapiplasty procedure takes a three-dimensional approach, eliminating the bunion's "bump" and stabilizing the affected joint for long-term success.
Instead of only providing cosmetic results, the procedure ensures stability in the joint, allowing for less pain, improved function, and a faster recovery so you can get back to the things you love.
One of the most significant benefits of Lapiplasty surgery is that it corrects the joint itself – not just the bothersome "bump" on the side of your toe. The procedure allows Dr. McAlister to stabilize the joint, returning the foot's anatomy to normal.
The stabilized joint helps prevent the bunion from recurring, a risk of traditional bunion surgery. It results in better surgical outcomes and realignment of the faulty joint.
Another benefit to Lapiplasty is walking in a boot within three days of surgery. Recovery is much smoother than traditional bunion surgery, and you can typically get back to normal activities within three to four months post-procedure.
Walking three days after surgery is a huge benefit, as some forms of traditional surgery require you to be non-weight-bearing for several weeks to months.
Call Phoenix Foot and Ankle Institute at 602-761-7819 to schedule a consultation, or use our online booking tool to request an appointment for bunion treatments.