Plantar Fasciitis and Your Options

platelet rich plasma injection

Plantar Fasciitis and Your Options


Regenerative Options are State-of-the-Art


As an educator and leader in foot and ankle treatment and surgery, Dr. McAlister has incorporated regenerative medicine for the foot and ankle into his practice. He uses the following modalities of regenerative medicine when appropriate to help patients heal and recover. Sometimes these treatments are used on their own and other times in complement with other conservative treatments. Regenerative medicine can also be used to enhance surgical outcomes or in post-op recovery.


Plantar Fasciitis is a debilating condition that affects millions of Americans yearly. An inflammation of the ligament on the bottom of your foot, the plantar fascia, can become torn and swollen after continued overuse. Conservative options typically involve stretching, icings, physical therapy, supportive shoe gear, and biologic stimulation.  Read more to learn about how Phoenix Foot and Ankle Institute offers various biologic stimulants to decrease the inflammation in your heel and get you back to your activity of choice!


Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP)

PRP is part of your blood that contains special proteins that support cell growth. PRP is created by doing a draw of your own blood and spinning it down in a centrifuge to isolate the plasma from the blood and concentrate it to isolate the PRP. The PRP is then injected into the area of injury in the body, promoting healing and the growth of new healthy cells. For the foot and ankle, it is primarily used to treat:


Regenerative Amniotic Therapy

Amniotic fluid therapy is recognized by the medical community as a major breakthrough in natural healing. When injected into an area that needs healing, your body’s natural response to a amniotic membrane allograft injection is to accelerate the process and repair the damage. Amniotic fluid therapy is a non-surgical procedure involving the extraction and injection of your own naturally occurring amniotic membrane allografts. The procedure can be done in clinic or a surgery center.

Amniotic fluid therapy is primarily used to treat soft tissue injuries involving tendons and ligaments, arthritis, muscle strains and some nerve issues. In foot and ankle, we primarily use amniotic fluid therapy for:

  • Degenerative joint disease (Arthritis)
  • Tendon tears
  • Bone Healing
  • Chondral Healing
  • Nerve Damage

Shockwave Therapy

Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy, or ESWT, utilizes acoustic pressure waves to activate and stimulate the body’s own healing processes. These shock waves are generated via unfocused low-intensity electro-hydraulic or focused piezoelectric sources. When used in combination with other therapies, shockwave can help improve blood supply and recruit amniotic membrane allografts in the body for healing and reducing pain.

  • Foot and ankle tendinitis
  • Sprains and strains
  • Adjunct soft tissue inflammation and swelling
  • Enhance post-operative healing

While regenerative medicine therapies are not suitable for all foot and ankle problems, they can be very effective when used where evidence supports their effectiveness. Regenerative medicine will continue to be a game changer in all areas of medicine, including foot and ankle care. Dr. McAlister is committed to offering innovative, yet evidence-based therapies for optimal health and outcomes. He is part of a growing number of foot and ankle experts active in research and education with regenerative medicine, so that he can bring new technology and innovations to his patient community.

Jeffrey E. McAlister DPM

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